Posted by: kristabella | March 31, 2008

DINAO Round 8 – The Boys Of Summer Edition

It’s Opening Day! Baseball season is officially here! Which means that maybe it will stop snowing and get above 40 degrees. And maybe I’ll be able to wear flip flops again sometime soon.

It also means it is completely acceptable to start drinking before noon and spend all day drinking Old Style and making out with cute boys in Wrigleyville.

Oh, who am I kidding? That is acceptable all the time.

In honor of Opening Day (Go Cubbies!) I present to you the Opening Day Death Is Not An Option. For any new folks, the idea is to vote for one of the two choices that you’d sleep with, and death is NOT an option. (Previous rounds can be found here.)

Round 8

The Vomit in Your Mouth Edition

Randy Johnson vs. Rod Beck

randy-johnson.jpg     rod-beck.jpg

The Announcer Edition

Peter Gammons vs. Harry Caray

gammons.jpg     harry.jpg

The Manager Edition

Don Zimmer vs. Lou Pinella

zimmer.jpg     lou-pinella.jpg

The Both Are Just Ugly Edition

John Kruk vs. Gary Gaetti

kruk.jpg     gaetti.jpg

The ‘Stache Edition

Dennis Eckersley vs. Jim Leyland

eckersley.jpg     leyland.jpg

The Death Would Be An Option for Kristabella Edition

Derek Jeter vs. Alex Rodriguez

jeter.jpg     a-rod.jpg

The Pitcher Edition

Barry Zito vs. Tim Hudson

zito.jpg     hudson.jpg

The I Wouldn’t Kick Them Out of Bed Edition

Mark Mulder vs. Troy Glaus

mulder.jpg     glaus.jpg

The Yummilicious Edition

Joe Mauer vs. Pat Burrell

mauer.jpg     pat_burrell1l.jpg

The Two of Kristabella’s Favorites Edition

Mark Grace vs. David Wright

mark-grace.jpg     david-wright.jpg

A nice blend of nasty and yummy for a Monday morning! Leave your choices in the comments!


Also, it is the last day to vote for the Chicago Woman of the Year, so if you wouldn’t mind, please go cast one more vote for my friend Jenny! Many, many thanks to all the people have voted so far!


  1. Yeeeehaaaa, I’m first!
    1. Rod Beck – Death should be an option – Randy Johnson scares the crap out of me
    2. Harry Carey – how could you not?
    3. Sweet Lou
    4. Gary Gaetti – I like him
    5. Dennis Eckersley
    6. Ick Ick Ick – OK – A Rod
    7. Barry Zito – how cute!
    8. Mark Mulder – DITTO!
    9. Pat Burrell – how HOT!
    10. Gracie – now and forever

    Oh, and I’ve been a typical Chicagoan voting for Jenny – vote often – under every email address I have. I hope she wins!

  2. 1. Death….
    2. Carey…maybe he’ll sing me a song…ick!
    3. Lou
    4. Gaetti
    5. Eckersley…though I think the 70’s called him and wants their hair back…
    6. Jeter
    7. Hudson
    8. Mulder
    9. Burrell…rawr!!!
    10. Wright

    Of course I’d have to get a roll of duct tape…no one is aloud to speak of baseball when I’m around 😉

  3. Burrell’s man boobs scare me.

  4. What is wrong with Don Zimmer’s Face!?

  5. You are so mean.
    1. I will tug on Randy Johnson’s hair…because the other guy is a walrus..
    2. I’m picking Harry because he will be the first man to tell me I have no cellulite (did you look at his glasses? they’re thicker than Mr Magoo’s!)
    3. Lou is gonna be my man for this one.
    4. Kruk, I’m a Philly gal and he was a key part of the 96 season…so I guess he deserves my body for that.
    5. Eckersly, I’ll pretend the year is 1972 and Eckersly is a sex symbol of the times.
    6. A-Rod, Jeters a dbag.
    7. Tim, Barry’s bed head leaves much to be desired. Who has he already tussled? Why didn’t he wait for me?
    8. Troy. I have no other reason than my loins told me to pick him. I listen to my loins.
    9. Burrell but only because of the Philly thing.
    10. Wright…but I think they both are nice.

  6. Ooo…fun! And I say, “Go Cards!!!” The stadium is right down the street from my office and it’s pure torture right now.

    1. Eww…Eww…Eww…Eww! Randy Johnson, but only b/c the diehard Cards fan in me couldn’t pick a Cubbie.
    2. Peter Gammons
    3. Lou Pinella – Dude, Zim looks bloated.
    4. Gary Gaetti
    5. Dennis Eckersley
    6. Derek Jeter
    7. Tim Hudson
    8. Mark Mulder – I have a fan crush on him. 🙂 Although, Troy is cute too. Can I have both?
    9. Pat Burrell – yummy.
    10. David Wright

  7. Why do I love you when you are obviously evil and hate us?

    1.Randy-handlebars are right out
    2.Gammons? Less ooky somehow. I can’t defile Carey
    3.Pinella-the other one? no. just no.
    4.Gaetti of the no chins
    5.Eckersley-even though it’s going to require a weed whacker.
    6.Isn’t Jeter the one that screwed over Halle? A-Rod
    8.Glaus-though he looks like an ass. Cute but ass= probably decent in bed and no guilt when I never want to see him again.
    9.Mauer-the other guy looks at himself in the mirror too much 🙂

  8. Oh, this is SO not right. But because I woke up with morning with Kevin Costner’s “I Believe” speech running through my head, I’ll play.

    1. Randy Johnson, but blindfolded.
    2. Peter Gammons
    3. Lou Pinella
    4. Gary Gaetti (and ewwwww, I had to go vomit after the first 4)
    5. Eckersley
    6. A Rod
    7. Tim Hudson
    8. Troy Glaus
    9. Joe Mauer
    10. Mark Grace

    And I should have boycotted it just because you had no Tigers listed. Sniff.

  9. I have an irrational hatred of David Wright. I know, it’s stupid. And also, he’s young enough to be my nephew or something.

    SO, KJ — what does this week (or next, I don’t care) look like on your calendar? Want to stop by?

  10. Ew. Randy Johnson.
    Harry Caray, duh.
    Lou Pinela (kinda cute in a teddy bearish way)
    Gary Gaetti, cause he is a former Twin
    Dennis Eckersley, cause I have good luck with Dennises
    A. Rod, because NO NOT Jeter under any circumstances
    Troy Glaus, cutie
    JOE MAUER, OBVI–My HS totally played in the State Tourney against his HS when I was a senior and he was a sophomore
    David Wright

  11. Oh now some of these are just nasty!

  12. Bigger news–did you not see who tagged you? Check out Jen Lancaster my friend, and Squeeee away!!!! : )

  13. Go, Red Sox!

    That is all.

  14. Randy Johnson
    Peter Gammons
    Lou Pinella
    Gary Gaetti
    Dennis Eckersley
    Derek Jeter
    Barry Zito (Huddy is kinda small)
    Troy Glaus (Mulder spelled my name with a “y” and that still bugs me – plus he drinks Zima!)
    Joe Mauer
    Mark Grace

  15. Not a single BRAVES player on here? Really? And I suggested this DINAO!

    Therefore, I boycott. 😛

  16. i was about to cuss you for the nasty fuckers on the list, but then I saw the hotties, and you soooo redeemed yourself. however, i’m still boycotting. 🙂

  17. I was going to participate, until I read all the Jeter-bashing going on on this site. I, as a die-hard Yankees fan, hereby protest. And furthermore, I’m reporting you. To someone. I’m not sure who yet, but someone! Huff!

    Oh…and as for the first? Randy Johnson. Because they don’t call him the Big Unit for nothing.

  18. Beck
    Kruk – just leave the chew on the nightstand:)
    A-Rod – luv the eyes!

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