
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Kristabella (But, Probably Not)

Hola! I’m Kristin, your host of this here bloggerific piece of work.

First, Kristabella is a family nickname for me. My dad started it when I was a baby, since I was clearly his favorite and the first girl, but mostly his favorite. That was until I kicked him in the chest so hard he dropped me as an infant. I blame the memory loss on that. NOT all the drinking. Gram will still call me that and it always makes me smile. And not because of the chest kicking.

I have lots of nicknames. I’ll answer to most anything, but mostly KJ, Kris, Skippy, Auntie, Martha, KJ Nishikawa, KJ Choi, K Jizzle, Kay to the Jay, Chief, KJers, and on and on.

I’m a 29 Holy fuck I’m  30! year old singleton living in Chicago. I live in a nice apartment with my two kitties, Simba and Kitty Kitty (real name Willow). One more cat and I turn into a crazy cat lady.

I’m originally from the Chicagoland area (yes we call it that and no, it’s not an amusement park), but won’t say I’m FROM Chicago, since I grew up in the ‘burbs. I spent most of my life in loverly Hanover Park, IL, which isn’t so loverly these days.

I was a band geek in high school, and I will admit it. I played the saxamaphone. It wasn’t so bad because I am still really great friends with a lot of those people. And our marching band kinda rocked. We like won competitions and stuff. It was fun. And we have lots of stories to share about it.

After high school, I ditched the Midwest and headed straight for the Valley of the Sun to attend Arizona State University. I am a DIE HARD Sun Devil fan and thoroughly enjoyed my four years in Tempe (yes, only four. YAY ME!)  I loved it so much I tattooed my ankle with Sparky. I was a broadcasting major with full-on ambition to become Chris Berman’s sidekick on SportsCenter. But then, I started interviewing people and um, yeah, didn’t like it so much. I randomly stumbled into the Sports Information Office and found my passion in Public Relations.

After three awesome years in the SID office, which included an undefeated football season and a trip to the Rose Bowl (DAMN YOU BUCKEYES!), I landed myself a job with the San Francisco 49ers. Yep, those 49ers. It was a great gig, but after almost 6 years, I decided that I missed my family and it was time to head back to the Midwest. (read: I got shitcanned)

I’ve been back in Chi-Town (I can say that now, since I do live in The City) for since 2005. Back in January, I went to work for a small consulting company in downtown Chicago. Only to get fired in April because of my blog. (Seriously.)

I am a huge sports fan (if you didn’t figure that out) and what goes hand in hand with sports? Alcohol. I like to drink. A lot.

I also love TV. I have a DVR and me likey. Although, I think it’s giving me ADD. Grey’s Anatomy is easily the best show in TV right now. I love TV. What? I already said that? See? ADD people. I full-on admit to loving reality TV, all kinds. (Yep, watched Flavor of Love 1 AND 2)

I have an awesome family. I am a middle child (surprising, no?) with an older brother and younger sister. Both have kids. I have two nephews and a niece, who are the lights in my life. Love them to death. I’d do anything for my family.

I started this bloggy thing because I love to write, if only for the purpose to amuse myself and not do any work. Hopefully some of you will laugh along the way. Or chuckle. And who doesn’t like a nice guffaw?

That’s about it. I hope you like it. Feel free to leave lots of funny comments. It makes me look cool and stuff. Or you can e-mail me at:

kristabella (dot) wordpress (at) gmail (dot) com

I like getting e-mail. Especially if it ain’t about erectile dysfunction products. Thanks for visiting!


  1. oh my, you have issues. luckily you are using this blog to take place of therapy sessions.

  2. ‘Cause it’s free BITCHES!