Posted by: kristabella | February 27, 2008

The Great Interview Experiment

So you all should remember that I participated in Citizen of the Month’s Great Interview Experiment. A few weeks back I interviewed Incurable Insomniac. Now it is my turn. And since I just spent the evening drinking wine with published authors and awesome bloggers, I have to post this so I can go to bed!

So Jen from Semanitically Driven was chosen to interview me. And I was a little shocked that she went through with it and didn’t back out because of all the ramblings and the swearing and “does this woman do anything more than drink and talk about Bacon?”

Without further ado, here is the GREAT interview of Kristabella.

What do you like best about blogging?

I love having a creative outlet. I love to write and since moving out of public relations, I definitely don’t get as many opportunities to write. And it also serves as a perfect way to keep in touch with family and friends, much more than a mass email every day.

But one of the best things I love about blogging is the network of awesome people I have met. It is great to have that support system from a group of people that you’ve never met in person, in most cases.

You’re pretty good at telling stories. Is there a story you can share that you haven’t written about on your blog before? Perhaps a really embarrassing one?

Wow. I don’t think so. I share EVERYTHING on my blog. So if there is an embarrassing story, I probably just haven’t gotten around to telling it yet. Oh! I just thought of one. One time, when I was living in California, we went out one night to Dave & Buster’s. And I was kind of drunk and had to use the ladies’ room. I was squatting to pee, since I hate sitting on public toilets, and I wasn’t paying much attention, so I ended up peeing on myself, ALL over my jeans. It wasn’t my best moment. Thankfully I had a jacket to cover it up until it dried. I can imagine I must have smelled lovely.

You have a gorgeous niece Skyler, and nephew Noah, and babysit them a bit. I think more aunties and uncles should take a leaf out of your book. What do you love about babysitting them and what’s your favorite thing to do with them?

Thank you! They are cuties! I just love spending time with them. They are constantly making me smile and laugh and NOTHING can bring me out of a sour mood like seeing those two.

I’d actually rather prefer not to babysit, since then I have to be responsible. And when I’m just visiting with them, I can play and then mom and dad can be the responsible adults. But I’d have to say that reading books to them before bed time is one of my favorite things to do when I babysit.

As for my favorite thing to do with them, I like to chase them around! In fact, every time I’m there they are both like “Auntie, do you want to chase?” I started that when Noah was a toddler and it has never gotten old.

Do you imagine having kids of your own one day?

Oh, yes! I’m so one of those people that are dying to have kids. Hopefully I’ll get married and have kids, but if not, I’d like to adopt or something. I’ll be a mom one day, somehow, someway.

I gather you like a tipple or two. If someone was to give you an alcoholic drink as a present what would you love best and why?

I’m guessing a tipple is booze. Which I’m SO going to start using in every day conversations. Wine is the best gift ever. Red, preferably. So if any of you want to send me some, I will not turn it away.

What do you like about where you live? (I’m from Australia and while I’ve been to the States once, I didn’t see that much of it).

I love Chicago for everything except the winters. Chicago and the Midwest in general have such fabulous, down-to-Earth people. I’ve lived on the West Coast and the people there just aren’t as friendly. Chicagoans will talk to random strangers, help people out, never without a pretense. We just do it to be nice.

And also, we are a big drinking City, which doesn’t hurt.

I like your Death Is Not An Option (DINAO) game. In round 3, the heartthrob edition, I picked Johnny Depp (although I could go Orlando too), Matt Damon, Hugh Jackman (no competition), Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Kate Beckinsale, Jeremy, John and McSteamy (I’ve never heard of these last three). Actually it wasn’t too hard. Who did you pick?

This one was a hard one for me! I would go with Johnny Depp, Ben Affleck (because he’s taller), Hugh Jackman (even though Candy is convinced he’s gay), Ryan Phillipe, Reese, Kate Winslet, Adrian, Adam Levine and McDreamy. But they were not easy decisions! I love Death Is Not An Option!

I’m always on the lookout for new music. What’s your favorite CD or musician/s?

I’m a huge rap and R&B fan. Sadly, I’ll listen to most anything. And I don’t have a lot of distinguishing tastes. I like things I shouldn’t (Britney Spears). But Kayne West’s latest CD is one of my favorites. Dave Matthews is someone I always will love. And I’m a huge Beatles fan.

Other than that, it’s just Sirius Hits 1 and what they tell me I should like.

Is there anything you wish I’d asked but didn’t?

Nope. I think you covered it all.

Is there anything else you all out there would like to know?


  1. Just don’t confuse a tipple with a nipple and you’ll be alright…that is unless you want a nipple for your tipple…then that’s ok, too.

    Yeah, it’s 2am and I’m channeling Dr. Seuss…I need to get some sleep….

  2. I don’t know why I used the word tipple instead of drink. It just came out of my fingers when I typed I guess. Thanks for answering my questions.

  3. On the subject of sprogs: how many do you want and do you have a preference between boys and girls?

    Have you seen the “I’m fucking Ben Affleck” vid yet?

  4. Nipple + Tipple = great blog posts!

    Don’t forget to head over to my place today and enter the first HOJ contest! There are Autographed! Prizes! (and the hump of the month, which is reason alone to get over there!) Tell all your friends… 😉
    House of Jules

  5. Nice interview! Must have been fun.

    And Hugh Jackman is gay. I’m so glad I’ve been able to nestle that little worm of doubt in to your mind, so much so that now you can’t talk about him with out the follow-up words “But Candy thinks he’s gay”. My work here is done.

  6. Good interview! And yes, always more fun when someone else can be the responsible adult!

  7. I’d prefer not to babysit, too. But they are my children and I’m a stay-at-home mom, so I guess I’ll just have to suck it up.

    I’m kidding, I love being a SAHM.

    No, I’m not.

    Yes, I am.

  8. “Ben Affleck (because he’s taller)”


  9. Awesome interview! Also, Boston is a great city for drinking as well. Just sayin’.

  10. I’ve so done the peeing all over myself thing.

  11. Fabulous Interview!!! She (and you) did a really great job with this piece.

    Yeah – Hugh Jackman sets off the alarms a tad.

  12. I don’t think Britney Spears is worth apologizing over. Listening to her catchy pop music is not an endorsement of her insanity!

  13. […] Jen from Semantically Driven interviews Kristabella […]

  14. […] I was interviewed by Dana of Diary of a MILF in Progress. I’ve already interviewed Kristabella. Confused yet? The way it works is that Dana sent me the questions below and I answered them below […]

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